Some people will subject themselves to
misery-inducing synthetic cotton pillows that have the texture and hardness of
a teenager’s “used” sock because they protest to the use of goose feathers and
down in the pillows. Many will allow this to carry over to their choice of
blanket/cover/quilt for themselves and, for some, even their children. Many are
very, very against the eating of geese, goose eggs, pâté and foie-gras. Personally, I find these people to be without any sort of guidance
for two reasons: 1) goose is fucking delicious (2) Geese, especially geese, deserve
it because they are assholes.
To say that geese are jerks would be like
saying that the Hitler didn’t like Jews. It is true, but only so far as an
understatement of the highest degree can be considered true. Geese are not just
jerks, geese have reached a new level, one that I cannot describe with words as
well as I can with rapid angry hand gestures. Geese deal with people the same
way that psychotic teenagers deal with small furry animals: very painfully. If
you’ve ever seen a video of a goose attacking a person you should know that
it’s not an isolated case. There are approximately 100 goose attacks on people
annually from one genus of goose (the Canada Goose) alone. Y’know how many
shark attacks there are WORLDWIDE every year? 75. 75 shark attacks worldwide
from every kind of shark ever and 100 goose attacks from just the Canada Goose.
This actually wouldn’t be so bad if geese
were completely harmless like chickens or infants, but no. Goose attacks often
result in broken bones and head injuries which is bad in of itself, were it not
for the fact that geese specifically target children and the elderly in groups
of large people.
What makes this way worse is that geese have extreme
resilience, are very territorial and possess some freaking Assassins Creed
eagle-vision level of eyesight. They also have a knowledge of body language
that rivals a master detective’s. When in contact with a hostile goose the best
advice is to hold your arms up, pray, maintain goose eye contact and back away
slowly, while never squinting your eyes or moving your torso or shoulders away
from the goose, geese will see these as a sign of weakness and, seeing as they
are total feathered cockbags, will accordingly attack. Sometimes even the
proper precautions won’t help. Many geese will not only attack, but continue
chasing people until seriously injured. Don’t believe me? The internet is
littered with stories and videos of goose attacks ranging from a bite to “when
I was still in diapers, my family took me on a picnic to a lake where a goose
grabbed me by the head and slowly started pulling me into the water with the intention
to drown me ”. If you don’t even trust the internet ask a parent, grandparent
or someone who grew up near a farm. They’ll vouch for me: geese are fucking
mean. But it’s when they don’t attack directly that you get issues because geese
go kamikaze.
"Grandma, are we going to die?" "Yes" |
Fuck Humans |
A far larger problem than direct goose
attack is that of the “sneaky kamikaze strike”. This could just be sadistic
pilots or geese that are stupid enough to fly over airports but the leading
theory dictates that geese in fact do this on purpose in order to maximise
human suffering. Geese will fly into the engines of a plane when it is at its
most vulnerable, during takeoff and landing. Over a period of 18 years
(1990-2008), kamikaze goose operations in North America have caused 1181 crash
landings with 603 causing damage and 317 resulting in negative effects.
Kamikaze geese in this period caused 59,000 hours of aircraft down time and an
estimated $50 million in costs which is about equal to the average Hulk rampage
through New York City, except that the geese were also directly responsible for
a total of 18 deaths or serious injuries and 4 irreversibly damaged aircraft.
In these dark times when facing a savage
bird attack or kamikaze goose mission you can always remember that these are
birds and we do eat them. Please, remember the 18 fallen over a period of 18
years and the countless horribly maimed victims of bird abuse who have been
scarred for life from goose onslaught and reconsider buying a goose down
jacket. Geese are not endangered. Geese are not beautiful or protected in any
way. Geese are not good pets or an important part of the lake atmosphere. Geese
are just fuckers. Therefore I implore you to consider how foul geese are before
reconsidering pâté
because of a diet or, worse, animal rights. Geese have no rights. They traded
them for intense reproductive skills and good eyesight. Two things that I lack.