Forgive me for my long leave of absence in posting, I've been busy. I must say that I had no idea that my site was attracting such... emphatic people and I want to thank you for many amusing moments spent reading your extremely interesting comments.
To provide some background, a very strong opinion I had in the 11th or 12th grade was that the novel The Handmaid's Tale was, to put it mildly, a steaming sack of shit. I stand by that opinion. I think that for technical reasons reading The Handmaid's Tale is slightly less stimulating than stringing spaghetti from one nostril into the other and pretending to floss. The plot is nonexistent until over halfway through the novel, The characters are dull and often cookie-cutter stereotypes, and the writing style is abrasive to anyone who doesn't grade SAT's for a living. That being said, I don't hate Margaret Atwood, I don't believe she's a misandrist, and I'm pretty ambivalent about the ethical or feminist content of The Handmaid's Tale. What I hadn't anticipated (having written the article in 2015) was Trump's rise to power and America's subsequent decline into the kind of insanity usually only experienced after a number of years of dedicated PCP abuse. This has led to some absolute gems of comments. Some of my favourites are below:
I'm not sure why a Muslim maid wouldn't just be a maid but what do I know?
Apparently Mike Pompeo with the aid of Saudi Arabian oil rules the world. Huh, who would've thunk.
Somebody powerfully disliked Shrek.
To provide some background, a very strong opinion I had in the 11th or 12th grade was that the novel The Handmaid's Tale was, to put it mildly, a steaming sack of shit. I stand by that opinion. I think that for technical reasons reading The Handmaid's Tale is slightly less stimulating than stringing spaghetti from one nostril into the other and pretending to floss. The plot is nonexistent until over halfway through the novel, The characters are dull and often cookie-cutter stereotypes, and the writing style is abrasive to anyone who doesn't grade SAT's for a living. That being said, I don't hate Margaret Atwood, I don't believe she's a misandrist, and I'm pretty ambivalent about the ethical or feminist content of The Handmaid's Tale. What I hadn't anticipated (having written the article in 2015) was Trump's rise to power and America's subsequent decline into the kind of insanity usually only experienced after a number of years of dedicated PCP abuse. This has led to some absolute gems of comments. Some of my favourites are below:
I'm not sure why a Muslim maid wouldn't just be a maid but what do I know?
Apparently Mike Pompeo with the aid of Saudi Arabian oil rules the world. Huh, who would've thunk.
The progression of nonsense in this piece is really beautiful. It's makes me think of a sparrow, flying around happily, opening its beak, and screaming loudly in the voice of a black man.
Thank you, a true bro.
I deeply hope this is not a typo, and last but not least
This concludes my quick jaunt into American lunacy. There are many more examples of truly inspired shit on the comments section of the Handmaid's Tale article and I would recommend you check them out for yourself. I'm thinking a drinking game where every time you read: cunt, narcissist, "I didn't read the book/ I only watched the series," or any of the comments shown here take a shot and prepare for alcohol poisoning. A real post is coming soon.
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