Slightly More About than the About Page

As this blog was originally for the IB Personal Project; posts 1-8 ("Ways I Annoy People" to "Hellspawn Cousins") are clean PG material and I intend to keep them for historical reasons. After that I went nuts and used to use a post called "Goodbye" as my transition but I found it to be unfunny so I removed it. I don't actually have a single favourite post but the Cream of the Crap thing has the ones I consider the best.

If you guys ever have any complaints; please let me know through the comments on this page. 

Also if you ever see a different art style from usual, I've entrusted some of the illustration (such as the Vinaigrette post) to my buddy (who has been an enormous help all the way) Celien. An example of awesome Celien's work is below:

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