
Many of the teachers in our school have an alarming habit of being ummm... strange. Some show their strangeness through rage, others through awesomeness but the vast majority manifest it through mood swings more random and diverse than the most hormone shot teenager ever recorded in human history. Nix displays all of these.

Nix Spinach is our chemistry teacher, he looks like this.

Have you ever seen those films with the monk who one second can barely move and is karate chopping his way through ninjas the next. Nix is like that with his ruler. The weapon of his choice can turn the usually ill-tempered but harmless Nix into a volatile knight in milliseconds.

Nix owns a cat. He (unlike most Jordanians) neither fears them, nor regards them as disgusting. This is why when a cat randomly waltzed into the Administration, he was the gallant warrior who took charge. He went over,bravely and lovingly picked up the cat, and tossed it out of the window. Our horror as bystanders was apparently evident as he felt the need to reassure us:


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